FluidTransact Risk & Disclaimer

FluidTransact Whitepaper Risk and Disclaimer

General Overview and Revision Rights: This document provides a general overview of the project and is designed to gather feedback from investors. Fluid Transact's directors, consultants, and legal counsel reserve the right to review and revise this document. Reproduction or distribution of this white paper must include this Risk and Disclaimer section. No part of this document establishes a legal relationship with the recipient or imposes any legally binding obligations on Fluid Transact. Updates to this document may occur at any time.

Acknowledgment of Risks: By purchasing, holding, or using FTB Token within the Fluid Network, you acknowledge and agree to assume various associated risks. In the worst-case scenario, these risks could result in the partial or total loss of the FTB Tokens purchased. If you choose to acquire FTB tokens, you expressly acknowledge, accept, and assume the following risks:

Uncertain Regulations and Enforcement Actions: The regulatory landscape surrounding FTB Token and distributed ledger technology remains unclear or unsettled in many jurisdictions. Regulatory agencies worldwide are increasingly focusing on the regulation of virtual currencies. It is unpredictable how and when regulatory agencies may apply existing regulations or introduce new ones, potentially impacting FTB Token and the Fluid Network. Regulatory actions could adversely affect FTB Token and its network, leading to operations being halted in jurisdictions where compliance becomes impossible or commercially unfeasible.

Inadequate Disclosure of Information: The Fluid Network is still under development, and its design concepts, consensus mechanisms, algorithms, codes, and technical details may undergo frequent updates and changes. While this white paper contains the most current information available, it may not be entirely comprehensive and may be subject to adjustments by the Fluid Development team. Holders of FTB Token may not receive exhaustive updates on project developments and milestones, leading to incomplete information disclosure.

Competition: The decentralized applications landscape is rapidly evolving, with increasing competition in the industry. Alternative networks may emerge, utilizing similar code and protocols as FTB Token and the Fluid Network. Competition from these networks could negatively impact the adoption and success of FTB Token and the Fluid Network.

Failure to Develop: There is a risk that the development of the Fluid Network may not proceed as planned due to various factors, including unforeseen technical difficulties, declines in digital asset prices, or funding shortages.

Security Weaknesses: FTB Token and the Fluid Network may be vulnerable to attacks by hackers or malicious groups, including malware attacks, denial of service attacks, and consensus-based attacks. Additionally, weaknesses introduced unintentionally or intentionally by third parties could negatively affect FTB Token and the Fluid Network. Advancements in cryptography or technology, such as the development of quantum computing, could also pose unknown risks to the security of FTB Token and the Fluid Network.

Other Risks: The risks mentioned above are not exhaustive, and there may be additional risks associated with purchasing, holding, and using FTB Token, as outlined in the Terms and Conditions. These risks may manifest as unforeseen variations or combinations of the aforementioned risks. Prior to purchasing FTB Token, it is advisable to conduct thorough due diligence on Fluid Transact, its affiliates, and the Fluid Development team, and to understand the overall framework, mission, and vision for the Fluid Network.